Here are 4 powerful reasons why we should attend church weekly, and why church attendance can change our life:

God Said So – God tells us in His Word to “not give up meeting together.” (Hebrews 10:25). God didn’t call us to gather and worship to burden us, but to bless us. Church attendance can become one of the greatest blessings in you and your family’s life!

Worshiping Jesus Together is Powerful – Jesus lives inside of us by His Spirit when we believe in Him – this is a profoundly incredible truth! But there is also something biblically powerful about gathering together with other believers to worship. Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Matthew 18:20) So he is not only lives in us by His Spirit, but He is in the “midst” of us when we gather to worship Him.


We Need Christian Community – All of us long for community and connection with others. God has given us this gift in gathering together for church, and in smaller groups in each other’s homes. It fulfills something inside of us to do life with others, encourage each other and be authentically involved in each other’s lives. Christian TV, podcasts, books and conferences are wonderful additions to our spiritual lives, but nothing can take the place of consistent Christian community through the local church.

We Grow More Together Than Alone – Gathering regularly with other believers becomes a refining process whereby we help each other, pray for each other and encourage each other to want to follow Christ more wholeheartedly. It is a truly beautiful thing.